We discover the best stories and content available on the market and ensure that they become successful products.
We find, initiate, establish, market and monetize.
In this process, we create products that are more valuable than the mere sum of their components.
The utility analysis matrix we have developed combines 25 years of market experience and helps us to identify those IPs that are most promising in the market.
Initialize & Establish
We nurture every IP we acquire, create a market position for it, put our experience and knowledge from creativity and business life at its service.
Thanks to our access to a large network of distribution channels, we can drive growth and create value by monetizing market-ready IP concepts.
Attractive IP consumer products are entering the market.
Let's create Entertainment together.

In our blog you will find out about the most important news and transformations in the field of entertainment.
Sascha Seifert
Industry Analyst & Visualist, Managing Partner
By Entertainment professionals for Entertainment professionals